Sasquatch seeks Mate at Salado Wine Seller!
Each summer, the cast of Silver Spur theater makes a film in the style of the classic black and white movies they typically feature. This summer they filmed part of the sequence at Salado Wine Seller!
Watch closely and you’ll see me serve wine to Miss Goody Goody (played by Penny) and the villian, who is played by Kevin C. Carr. You’ll also see Don & Lou at the bar enjoying a glass of wine and watching the crazy tourists we sometimes see. Don & Lou didn’t have to act much since that is the role they typically play in real life! I like the part where Miss Goody Goody tries to drink as much wine as she can while her captor is distracted. Pay attention at the end as well when they ride off on a Vespa Scooter from American Scooter Center of course!
Be sure to go on down to Salado Silver Spur and check it out!