Chardonnay picking starts Sunday

Happy Grape-Pickers!
Harvest season is almost here! This year we netted for birds & trapped 4 raccoons (and one bobcat by accident) and so we actually have some grapes to pick.
Time: 7:30 AM – until finished (okay, whenever you roll out of bed, but I’LL be out there early BEFORE it gets too hot)
Date: Sunday, August 9th, 2009
Location: 21724 Hill Road, Salado, just take I-35 exit 279, half mile up the hill from interstate
Bring: Sunscreen, bug spray, big hat, pruners (optional-we’ve got plenty to lend).
Dress comfortably. I recommend shoes and socks because I always manage to stand on an ant mound and don’t notice until it’s too late. It’s kind of late for chiggers and should be too dry for mosquitoes, but you might want bug spray.
Watch out for bees, spiders, mockingbirds, ants. This year I haven’t seen a single snake in the vineyard, so no worries. 😉
Hope you can make it, if not we’ll have a few more chances in a week or two!