Jammin’ on the Lawn June 26, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 4-7 pm

Jodie Wachsmann

Saturday, June 6, 2010

“Experiencing the fruit of Jodie Wachsmann‘s debut album Hope In The Unseen is like pondering the majesty of a tree in full bloom. Jodie’s first national release is an expression of deep rooted confidence while withstanding the vulnerability of the unknown. It’s also the evidence of a long, arduous journey reminiscent of seed to splendor.”  Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendId=43439623#ixzz0rQvs8IR1

We think Jodie’s beautiful music makes a great pairing with a nicely chilled Texas wine.  So come on and join us from 4-7 pm.  Music will be indoors (too hot for the lawn!).  Snacks are allowed, but no sneakin’ in beer or alcohol like some silly teenager at the high school prom!  We look forward to Jodie’s performance and hope you can join us.

If you miss Jodie this weekend, she’ll be back to Salado on July 2 & 3 at the Salado Silver Spur theater as part of the special event “Salado’s Got Talent” fundraiser benefitting the American Cancer Society.