Jammin’ on the Lawn

Saturday November 20th from 4-7pm

Join us for live music by the band La Jeder!  If it is warm & sunny we’ll be outdoors so bring snacks, lawn chair, and so on.  If it is wet, windy or cold, we’ll move indoors.

Her record is titled “Rusty Words”. 8 songs/stories are in English. 2 are in Spanish. From her website…
It’s a first attempt at documenting a piece of me. A first attempt at trying to express all the oddly integral and seemingly opposite things that make up a small portion of what I have experienced and put those things into a melody and into..well let’s just call them “rusty words”. You try and try but words can’t always encompass a life, an experience, or even a mere moment very well.
She believes in miracles. She believes that God is bigger than all the dreams she can muster up for herself and so are His dreams for each one of us. With that in mind,  “Rusty Words” will be available so that you too can hold a piece of my heart tangibly in your hands and join me as she begins this new approach to her musical journey.