Book Club at Salado Winery

2nd Monday Bookclub

2nd Monday Bookclub

Monday, March 14, 7-9 pm Discussion will be about “Someday Someday Maybe” by Lauren Graham (Gilmore Girls)

Join the 2nd Monday book club!  Can you guess what they do?  Shockingly, they drink wine and discuss books.  They meet at the Salado Winery & Salado Wine Seller, that way no one has to clean house, and share their thoughts.

If you can’t make this month, keep up with the group on their Facebook page, or keep watch on the website for the announcement of next month’s book.

From the Facebook Group page, “We’ll meet the 2nd Monday of the month at the Salado Wine Seller from 7:00-9:00 p.m.. We can bring our own snacks and buy wine there. We are going to go through the books on the original post list. Feel free to invite friends to the group.”

2 replies
  1. Colleen Clakley
    Colleen Clakley says:

    Is the book club open to new members?
    Do I need to let somebody know if I decide to come to the March meeting?

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