Grape Stomp and Harvest Dinner 2017

stomp those grapes!
Please join us for our 2nd annual Grape Stomp and Harvest Dinner! We will have a grape stomp competition, live music and food from Hecho en Queso. We expect this event to sell out, so don’t wait to buy your tickets, or you may end up hungry and disappointed.
There is no admission fee to attend the grape stomp and dinner. In honor of our 12th anniversary, our favorite wines will be on sale for $12. Tickets are for grape stompers and eaters.
We’ll be serving our locally made wines by the glass and bottle. Dinner will be served by Hecho en Queso. Grapes for stomping are provided by Brookshire Brothers grocery store
Our grape stomp will be the perfect opportunity to make your Instagram followers super jealous. Teams of two people will compete every 15 minutes. During your team’s turn, one person will stomp for two minutes and then the second person will stomp for two minutes. The team of two who produces the most juice wins bragging rights!
$1/ticket will be donated to the Heart of The Vine Relief Fund, which distributes gift cards to victims of the California wine country wildfires.
Tickets are non-refundable. Even if it rains, snows, sleets or whatever the great state of Texas comes up with for weather. This event will be outdoors and and under a tent.
Kids are welcome and #Winerycat insists that dogs must be on a leash.
NO outside alcohol may be brought in. That means you cannot bring beer, wine, distilled spirits or moonshine. Please no sneaking in alcohol…this is not your high school prom, thank you!
Sorry, “wine tasting” will not be available during this event, just wine by the glass or bottle.
Grape Stomp Rules
1. Fans of all ages are welcomed to the harvest festival, but grape stompers must be 21 or over.
2. Stomping will commence when the Stomp Master blows the whistle and all teams must stop stomping and collecting at the closing whistle. Any team who starts early or delays stopping will receive a penalty.
3. All stomping must be done with bare feet…NO HANDS!
4. Stompers must stomp in an upright position only and may hold on to team member for support.
5. Only juice will be measured, any grapes and pulp will be strained out by the judges.
6. In the event of a tie, the officials will choose the team who displayed the most enthusiasm or best costume.
7. Any team not participating in a manner consistent with fair play and good sportsmanship is subject to disqualification without refund.
8. Your slot will be during the hour you sign up for. You must be on time. If you are not present when your team is called, then you forfeit your team’s grape stompin’ tickets.
9. All participants must sign Liability Waiver.
Ticket Options
*prices will increase Nov 10 — buy now and save $$
kids ONLY – $6 – (on NOV 10 will increase to $7)
Under 12? This ticket includes one quesadilla kids’ plate or one kids’ nacho plate, plus a juice box, soda, or bottled water
dinner ONLY – $12 (on NOV 10 will increase to $14)under 21 but not a kid? designated driver? this ticket includes dinner plus a juice box, soda or bottled water
WINE & dinner PLEASE! – $17 (on NOV 10 will increase to $19) The “ummm, I’ll just watch….” This ticket includes the choice of one dinner plate and one glass of wine. 21 and over, only.
SMASH THOSE GRAPES PACKAGE – $44 (on NOV 10 will increase to $49)Ticket holder is entitled to one dinner plate, one go at stomping, and one glass of wine. When you purchase your ticket, let us know the name of your partner and anyone you’d like to compete with so we can pair you together! 21 and over, only.
Tickets are available on eventbrite or cut ‘n paste