No Live Music scheduled at Salado Wine Seller

Our world on August 23, 2015 at 10:16PM

Jesus made wine from water. We use grapes and yeast
#cabernetsauvignon #harvest2015 #SaladoWinery #saladowine #saladowineseller via Instagram

Our world on August 20, 2015 at 10:17PM

This is what it looks like when the press blows up just a little bit. #tharsheblows #grapeshit #saladowinery #saladowineseller #saladowine via Instagram

Our world on August 20, 2015 at 02:48PM

#tbt #harvest2013
Last bit of grapes to be picked Saturday, August 22, 2015
#SaladoWinery #saladowine #saladowineseller via Instagram

Our world on August 19, 2015 at 02:11PM

Cabernet Sauvignon harvest at our vineyard this Saturday, August 22
#harvest2015 #vineyard #winegrapes #SaladoWinery #saladowine #saladowineseller via Instagram

Our world on August 16, 2015 at 01:35PM

After pressing #malbec #timeforcleaning #whomadethismess #SaladoWinery #saladowineseller #saladowine via Instagram

Our world on August 14, 2015 at 10:49PM

Late night punch down with #wineryboy
Fermentation day 6
#harvest2015 #SaladoWinery #saladowineseller #saladowine #txwine #winemakingMommy #documentsalado #saladotexas #villageofsalado #saladotx via Instagram

Our world on August 13, 2015 at 09:56PM

#punchdownThursday #itakesacultureofyeast #chardonnay #harvest2015 #vintage2015 #txwine #fermentation #SaladoWinery #saladowine #saladowineseller #documentsalado #saladotx #saladotexas #villageofsalado via Instagram

Our world on August 12, 2015 at 12:45AM

I forgot to tell you, Rootin’ Tootin’ is bottled
!#SaladoWinery #saladowineseller #saladowine #saladovineyard #txwine
#sweetwine #visitsalado #saladotexas via Instagram

Our world on August 09, 2015 at 10:53PM

Anyone need an arm workout? We have 28 barrels like this that need to be punched down every few hours. We can definitely put you to work. #SaladoWinery #saladowine #saladowineseller #harvest2015 #documentsalado #saladotexas #itakesavillage #saladotx #smellsgreat via Instagram

Our world on August 07, 2015 at 10:41PM

My view of 153 gallons chardonnay just before fermentation. #harvest2015 #documentsalado #SaladoWinery #saladowine #saladowineseller via Instagram