No Live Music scheduled at Salado Wine Seller

Our world on July 21, 2015 at 11:25PM

Testing grapes to predict harvest
#grapegrowing #winegrapes #chemistry #documentsalado #saladotexas #villageofsalado #saladowine #saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller #txwine #winemaking #winegrower #winery via Instagram

Our world on July 19, 2015 at 05:42PM

#texassummer #crepemyrtle #documentsalado #saladotexas #visitsalado #saladotx #villageofsalado #saladowinery #saladowineseller #saladowine via Instagram

Our world on July 16, 2015 at 03:28PM

It is snake appreciation day! This poor guy got caught in my bird netting. I gladly set him free because he must be the one eating all the birds in the vineyard. 80% fewer nests and 90% fewer eggs. How’s that for natural pest control? More grapes for wine and more wine for you and me! @texas.wild
#ratsnake #kingsnake #texaswildlife #texaswildpbs #herpersofinstagram #snakesofinstagram #snakes #saladowine #saladovineyard #documentsalado #saladoTexas #SaladoTx #saladowinery #saladowineseller #andyouthoughtyouworkedwithsnakes via Instagram

Our world on July 14, 2015 at 03:09PM

OK, who closes their eyes when taking a #selfie?
#worstselfieever #ineedaselfiestick #documentsalado #saladoTexas #ittakesavillage #villageofsalado #SaladoTx #saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller #vineyard #merlot #txwine #winegrapes via Instagram

Our world on July 12, 2015 at 10:28PM

#winerycat sat on top of a case of wine all evening and soaked up attention during #saladoswirl
#villageofsalado #saladotexas #documentsalado #saladotx
#saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller
#visitsalado #drinkwine #catsofinstagram via Instagram

Our world on July 03, 2015 at 08:45PM

#saladowinery is OPEN July 4th serving up American wine
Happy #IndependenceDay
#saladowine #saladowineseller #visitsalado #documentsalado #villageofsalado #saladoTexas
#holidayhours via Instagram

Our world on June 30, 2015 at 10:42PM

Because #thisguy
No it isn’t #mancrushmonday
What I am trying to tell you is that the gentleman in this picture has been a friend for a long time and he is an amazing artist and I want you all to come and buy his art or bring a friend who will buy his art because @popartd66, well his art is weird and funky and mind boggling and really cool and it isn’t easy to make money selling art so you help your wine friends toss grapes and they hang your art on their party room walls to sell. Thursday night, July 2, 6-9.
#saladoart #buyart #shoplocal #winetasting #saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller #documentsalado #villageofsalado #saladotexas #saladotx #artreception #wineandart via Instagram

Our world on June 29, 2015 at 09:15PM

These bottles inspired the food and wine pairing we are presenting Thursday, July 2, during the @popartd66 art opening reception. We figure you’re gonna get hungry, so order your tickets for food and wine pairing at The @shopgnomadic truck will be by too. Free to stop by, tickets for eating. #saladoart #foodandwine #artreception #saladowinery #saladowineseller #saladowine #txwine #texaswinery #shoplocal #supportart via Instagram

Our world on June 26, 2015 at 11:14PM

#texassummer #afternoonsunshine #merlot #winegrapes #vineyard #veraison #txwine #saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller #documentsalado #villageofsalado #saladotexas #saladotx via Instagram

Our world on June 25, 2015 at 10:31PM

#ThrowCorkThursday #winerycat #wineryboy
If you think that’s fun, join us Thursday July 2nd for A R T opening reception, F O O D + W I N E pairing and @shopgnomadic @popartd66
#saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller #villageofsalado #saladoTexas #visitsalado #saladowine #documentsalado via Instagram