No Live Music scheduled at Salado Wine Seller

Our world on June 23, 2015 at 09:57PM

#sangiovese #myviewatwork #winegrapes #vineyard #saladowinery #saladowine #saladowineseller #documentsalado #SaladoTx via Instagram

Our world on June 13, 2015 at 09:40PM

My breaks from the hot vineyard are taken under the shade of a pecan tree. Where do you drink your morning coffee?
#pecan #vineyard #winegrapes #grapegrowing #texassummer #documentsalado #saladotexas #saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller
#gratefulforshadeandagoodbreeze via Instagram

Our world on June 12, 2015 at 09:55PM

20″ of rain in May and by 12th of June the vineyard is already dried out and cracking. No worries, rain is on the way in next few days.
#blacklandprairie #texasweather #texasspring #texassummer #vineyard #grapegrowing #winegrapes #weather #documentsalado #villageofsalado #saladotexas #saladotx #saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller via Instagram

Our world on June 11, 2015 at 11:36PM

The evil unwanted Grape Berry Moth.
#goaway #GrapeBerryMoth #thisiswar #pest #ithoughtitoldyoutoleave #grapegrowing #vineyard #winegrapes #cabernetsauvignon #documentsalado #saladotexas #saladotx #saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller via Instagram

Our world on June 06, 2015 at 04:11PM

#wildflowers near #vineyard
#documentsalado #saladotexas #visitsalado #villageofsalado #saladotx
#saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller via Instagram

Our world on June 04, 2015 at 09:48PM

#nationalhugacatday #winerycat
#catinatree #herekittykitty #tuxedocat
#nohugs #villageofsalado #saladotexas #documentsalado #saladotx #visitsalado #lookup #saladowinery #saladowine #saladowineseller via Instagram

Our world on June 03, 2015 at 11:10PM

All my #txwine friends be postin’ beautiful neat vineyard pics and I’m all like WHAT? Didn’t they get 20+inches of rain? Am I the only one with vines out of control? Well I don’t show pics of my dirty house and I’m just gonna use this here flower to cover up the messiest vineyard in Texas!
#myvineyardismessierthanyours #butthegrapestastebetter
#Texaswine #Saladowine #documentsalado #SaladoTx #villageofsalado #SaladoTexas #texasspring #saladowinery #saladowineseller via Instagram

Our world on June 02, 2015 at 10:08PM

So here’s my picture of the #strawberrymoon over #saladoTexas. I think I would call it the #blushmoon or the #rosewinemoon, but hey no one asked me.
Sorry that my cameraphone wasn’t quite up to the task of recording such a lovely moon. Poke your head out the window and see for yourself.
Speaking of a rose wine, @laurenelizabethw talked me into one for the summer. Stay tuned!
#nofilter #documentsalado #ittakesavillage #villageofsalado #visitsalado #SaladoTx #saladowinery #Saladowine #saladowineseller via Instagram

Our world on May 30, 2015 at 11:05AM

Happy #caturday #caturdaycuties #winerycat #wineryboy
#documentsalado #saladotexas #villageofsalado #saladotx
#saladowinery #saladowine #saladowineseller
#texassummer via Instagram

Our world on May 26, 2015 at 10:09PM

#hellosun #wherehaveyoubeen
#nofilter #grapevine #vineyard #chardonnay
#saladowinery #saladowine #saladowineseller
#documentsalado #villageofsalado #saladotx #saladotexas
#pleaase #shineonthosewhoneedyou via Instagram