No Live Music scheduled at Salado Wine Seller

Our world on March 06, 2015 at 09:21PM

Guess what color the #winefestival glasses are this year? #whitegold? #Blackblue? Guess you’ll just have to come see for yourself. Only 3 weeks left! Texas Wine and Rogue Art Fest March 28 and 29

#visitSalado #saladoTexas #saladotx
#txwine #TexasWine #wineryfun
#saladowinery #saladowine #saladowineseller
#winetasting #rogueart
#thedress via Instagram

Our world on March 05, 2015 at 11:06PM

Pear tree by the taco truck is bloomin’ y’all.
#tacotruck @ #saladowinery #saladowineseller #saladowine
#tasteofsalado #tacosandwine #visitsalado #documentsalado #saladoTexas #ittakesavillage #villageofsalado #SaladoTx #WeHaveTheBestTacos via Instagram

Our world on March 03, 2015 at 10:51PM

We couldn’t do anything about the fog outside today, but we are running some benchtop trials to see if we can clear the #fog in the #chardonnay #nightflight
#documentsalado #ittakesavillage #villageofsalado #saladoTexas #SaladoTx
#TxWine #Saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller
#bentonite #sparkoloid #cellogum via Instagram

Our world on March 02, 2015 at 10:13PM

The sun did not shine
It was too wet to play
So we stayed in the winery
All that cold cold wet day
I sat there with #wineeyboy
We sat there we two
And *I said oh how I wish
we had something to do”
“I know a new game
a game that is funny
Its called corks in a barrel”
Said @laurenelizabethw
#DrSeuss #wineryfun #cork
#rainyday #raingoaway
#documentsalado #saladotx #ittakesavillage #villageofsalado #saladotexas
#saladowine #txwine #saladowinery #saladowineseller via Instagram

Our world on February 26, 2015 at 09:30PM


Today I had another #TABC audit. I survived. It’s #winetime.#TxWine #saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller
#saladotx #villageofsalado #saladoTexas #visitSalado
#winetasting #yesIdrinkProfessionally via Instagram

Our world on February 25, 2015 at 10:38PM

One last #is_it_spring_or_is_winter? Wild plum blooming under large oaks with a sprinkle of #texassnow. #texaswinter #texasspring #documentsalado #SaladoTexas #SaladoTx #Saladowinery #saladowineseller #Saladowine via Instagram

Our world on February 25, 2015 at 02:06PM

Apologies to friends and family up north, BUT it’s #wineryboy first snow! 3rd day of winter and Everyone in Texas is posting “snow” pictures and we love an excuse to show off! Back to sunshine now…#saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller #saladoTexas #saladotx #texaswinter #villageofsalado #sorryitsnotrealsnow #notsorry #70degrees via Instagram

Our world on February 24, 2015 at 10:08PM

I had to look hard to find these itty bitty icicles on my sign! #Saladowine #Saladowinery #saladowineseller #SaladoTx #saladotexas #texas #visitsalado #visittexas via Instagram

Our world on February 23, 2015 at 04:08PM

Just had some customers from Minnesota and they asked me “where is everyone”? #texaswinter #texasspring #texasice #carolinajasmine #gobacktosleep

#documentsalado #saladoTexas #saladotx
#saladowinery #saladowineseller #saladowine via Instagram

Our world on February 18, 2015 at 11:45PM

All we are is dust in the wind. #contrail over #saladoTexas
#saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller #documentsalado #thinkingofyou via Instagram