No Live Music scheduled at Salado Wine Seller

Our world on January 08, 2015 at 11:51PM

The jackfrost plants exploded this morning. First hard freeze and the sap blows out the base of the stem to create a little cocoon of warmth and then the little guy can go hibernate. #orsomethinglikethat #documentsalado #jackfrost #saladowinery #saladowineseller #Saladowine via Instagram

Our world on January 05, 2015 at 09:51PM

An excerpt from my website’s end of year statistics. Look at how my sweet friends at Inn on The Creek are one of my top referrers. In addition to that, they have invited me to over for dinner, a #winemakers dinner at Alexander’s Distillery. Wanna come? We are going to make all the courses of food pair with my wines and I bet it will be fabulous. Come and savor with me.

#ittakesavillage #villageofsalado #saladchamber #SaladoTx ##saladoTexas #txwine #winedinner #visitsalado #saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller #inncreek #innonthecreek #Alexander’s via Instagram

Our world on January 04, 2015 at 08:55PM

Ugh, trying to get the #newyear under control.Purging filing cabinet and organizing. I prefer #makingwine but sometimes ya gotta do the other stuff. #saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller #documentsalado #myoffice #happydoyear via Instagram

Our world on January 03, 2015 at 09:27PM

Look how close the finish line s to #saladowinery, I mean let’s run this thing so we can #drinkwine
drink #TxWine at #saladowineseller.

Great job putting #3kings3miler together @kdladyhill and #stjosephsalado. I plan to sponsor and run again next year. #iamepiscopalian #runwithgod #runtogod. #itsokthe3kingswalkedtoo

#saladowine #SaladoTx #ittakesavillage #villageofsalado #SaladoTexas via Instagram

KNCT Wine Classic – January 17

KNCT wine classic

We will be participating in the Annual KNCT Wine Classic again this year – our sixth year! This year’s event will be held on Saturday, January 17th from 7pm – 10pm. We’ll be pouring our wines along with our friends at Dancing Bee Winery, Red Caboose Winery, and the Vineyard at Florence, among others. This fun event raises money for our local PBS station. You’ll enjoy tastings, appetizers, and a complimentary wine glass.

As part of the KNCT Wine Classic, there will be a “Wine 101” class at 5pm on Saturday, January 17th. Learn the basics of tasting wine with certified sommelier Steve Hanik. Take this jump-start course and you’ll know what to look for in a glass of wine and how to describe it. You’ll also get to know your preferences and how to buy wines that you like. Following the class, take your wine knowledge into the KNCT Wine Classic and practice what you’ve learned. This course is perfect for novices starting to learn about wine, planning a trip to wine country or attending a wine dinner.

Buy your tickets to both the Wine Classic and Wine 101 class in advance at Admission is discounted in advance, so don’t wait to buy your tickets at the door!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

at Killeen Civic & Conference Center
3601 South W.S. Young Drive
Killeen, Texas 76541

Our world on December 31, 2014 at 10:58PM

2014 was the #bestyearever! THANK-YOU for being part of it. Nine years in business and it was our #highestsalesever #biggestharvest and no one will forget when #wineryboy ate the #gingerbreadhouse. #saladowinery #saladowineseller #saladowine #SaladoTx #saladotexas #txwine #saladochristmas2014 #gingerbread #wannapiece #helpyourself via Instagram

Our world on December 30, 2014 at 10:01PM

Cheers! #saladowinery open #newyearseveday 12-6 and #newyearsday 12-6. #Saladowine #saladowineseller #SaladoTx #TxWine #saladochristmas2014 #myfamilyisdrivingmecrazy #ineedwine via Instagram

Our world on December 27, 2014 at 10:20PM

This too is a new wine tank from Santa. I think I should take it to @revelationdecor and get it fitted with some wings! #revelationdecor #reveal #wings #ittakesavillage #saladowine #saladowinery #saladowineseller #flextank #winetank #documentsalado #SaladoTx #doesitlooklikebertorernie via Instagram

Our world on December 26, 2014 at 02:11PM

I got a new wine tanks from Santa! What did you get? #flextank #saladowinery #saladowine #saladochristmas2014 #saladowineseller #SaladoTx #documentsalado #saladotexas #TxWine #ThanksSanta via Instagram

Our world on December 25, 2014 at 12:12AM

Merry Christmas from #Saladowinery ??????
#Winerycat will be the only one there on December 25th and she isn’t very good with a corkscrew but we are open everyday after that. #holidayhours #saladowine #saladowineseller #catsofinstagram #SaladoTx #visitsalado #gotexan #spotthemark #TxWine #rootintootin #thatdarncat via Instagram