No Live Music scheduled at Salado Wine Seller

Open Christmas Eve 11-4

#saladowinery is OPEN Christmas Eve 11-4 in case you forgot your #Saladowine! #Merryfestivus I love it when the #eveningSky matches my logo 😉 #saladowineseller #buylocal #shopsmall #visitsalado #documentsalado #SaladoTx #saladotexas #TxWine #drinkandbemerry via Instagram

Our world on December 22, 2014 at 10:19PM

Bye-bye old bridge! When I wake in the morning, these two jack hammers and their two buddies on the opposite side will have smashed the old bridge to smithereens. This crossing is between my home on onside of the interstate and #saladowinery. How many times have I crossed it in the last 9 years? Maybe 7 or 8 thousand times? Farewell my friend! #outwiththeold #inwithenew #ontheway #i35 #interstateclosed #documentsalado #saladowine #visitsalado #itgetsbettereveryday #Wishihadabettershot via Instagram

Our world on December 16, 2014 at 10:34PM

#saladowineseller #saladowinery open everyday through the holidays except December 25th. #Closedchristmasday #Opennewyearday #saladochristmas2014 #SaladoTx #ittakesavillage #villageofsalado #documentsalado #holidayhours #TxWine #gotexan #getyourwinefix via Instagram

Our world on December 14, 2014 at 02:47PM

Even if today is the last official day of #Saladostroll2014 there is still plenty of #saladoart and #saladomagic to be found! #documentsalado #saladochristmas2014 #saladowinery #saladowine #saladowineseller #Brazostrail #SaladoTx #villageofsalado #wellsgallery #AtLeastTheseDeerDontEatTheRoses via Instagram

Is it really December?

I have lived in #centraltexas for many years, but I never quite get used to seeing fall colors next to the #Christmasholidaydecorations. Can’t complain about the great weather though!
drink #txwine #wineontheporch at #saladowineseller #saladowinery in #SaladoTx #saladochristmas2014 #documentsalado #visitsalado #ilovetexas via Instagram

Salado Historical Home Tour 2014

salado Historical Home Tour Sunday, December 7, 1-5. I had to go check out this house near Pace Park. Can you tell it was built by the same person as built the winery at the same time with the same materials? many more happy surprises to discover. #ittakesavillage #villageofsalado #saladowinery #saladowine #saladowineseller #visittexas #documentsalado via Instagram

Catering by Inn on the Creek

Our friends at Inn on the Creek helped us put together a special night for a band of wine drinkers at #Saladowinery #saladostroll2014 #SaladoTx #ittakesavillage #Santahelper #Eatdrinksalado #saladowine #saladowineseller #tasteofsalado via Instagram

Black Friday special at Salado Winery

this can be yours for only $9.99

this can be yours for only $9.99

I must admit I am not a big lover of Black Friday, but as a retailer, I feel obliged to offer you a great bargain.  So here it is….(drumroll) a ridiculous GRAPE MAT for ONLY $9.99!

We’ve specially priced it for that $10 and under white elephant gift exchange that you’ve been wondering what to buy for.  I will even open at 11:59 am Friday for those early bargain hunters.  Please don’t knock Winerycat over in your rush for this bargain.

Happy Thanksgiving Y’all!

#BlackFriday #GrapeMat #bargain #whiteElephant #SaladoTx #Saladowine #Salado Winery

School of Wags holds first gala at Salado Wine Seller – The Killeen Daily Herald

folks enjoying the evening air along with wine and music

folks enjoying the evening air along with wine and music

The Killeen Daily Herald wrote a great wrap-up of the fundraiser this past weekend.  Find it here…School of Wags holds first gala at Salado Wine Seller – The Killeen Daily Herald: News.

Wine & Wags Gala

Saturday, October 25, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

School of Wags is having an event to kick off your holiday season! The Wags & Wine Gala will be the event your friends will be talking about for a month or more. Join us as we taste wines of Texas, sample yummy food, enjoy the musical stylings of musical guest “Venus Envy” and bid to our hearts content on items in the Silent Auction. All proceeds will benefit the dogs rescued by School of Wags and support community events to keep dogs out of shelters.


tickets at
About School of Wags:
School of Wags is an 501c3, non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing and re-homing large breed dogs, primarily Mastiffs, from situations where they are homeless due to owner surrender or in high kill shelters. By working with committed volunteers, foster homes and local veterinarians, we are able to substantially reduce the flow of unwanted animals into shelters to be euthanized, provide them with loving care, vaccinate, spay or neuter, and find them well-matched, carefully screened, loving, adoptive, forever homes.We also serve as a resource to our community and all pet owners by providing training, education and information on responsible pet ownership, including the importance of spay  & neuter, balanced behavior training, pet first aid and good nutrition. School of Wags is a dynamic, evolving institution that is an agent of change for the animal welfare world. We are operating innovative and beneficial programs for animals and people and are making an impact in each family that will last for generations.