No Live Music scheduled at Salado Wine Seller

Sip ‘n Knit

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Thursday, January 9, 2013, 5-7 pm

Join Linda Woznica, from Salado Yarn Co. , for our “Sip ‘n Knit”. Bring your favorite knitting project for a casual gathering of knitters (and crocheters) where everyone brings whatever they are working on and we sit around together and talk, share, help one another, and one other thing – We drink wine! $5/glass of wine will be available.

All levels of knitters are welcome but please keep in mind there are no lessons. Linda will have supplies so you can knit a wine bottle scarf. What? You heard us right, you can make a scarf to keep your favorite bottle cozy. So don’t be shy, come on by!

Sip ‘n Knit

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Thursday, December 12, 2013, 5-7 pm

Join Linda Woznica, from Salado Yarn Co. , for our “Sip ‘n Knit”. Bring your favorite knitting project for a casual gathering of knitters (and crocheters) where everyone brings whatever they are working on and we sit around together and talk, share, help one another, and one other thing – We drink wine! $5/glass of wine will be available.

All levels of knitters are welcome but please keep in mind there are no lessons. Linda will have supplies so you can knit a wine bottle scarf. What? You heard us right, you can make a scarf to keep your favorite bottle cozy. So don’t be shy, come on by!

Sip ‘n Knit

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Thursday, November 14, 2013, 5-7 pm

Join Linda Woznica, from Salado Yarn Co. , for our “Sip ‘n Knit”. Bring your favorite knitting project for a casual gathering of knitters (and crocheters) where everyone brings whatever they are working on and we sit around together and talk, share, help one another, and one other thing – We drink wine! $5/glass of wine will be available.

All levels of knitters are welcome but please keep in mind there are no lessons. Linda will have supplies so you can knit a wine bottle scarf. What? You heard us right, you can make a scarf to keep your favorite bottle cozy. So don’t be shy, come on by!

Bachhanalian Society of Central Texas

bacchlogoFriday, November 15, 7 pm – 9 pm

The Salado Wine Seller welcomes the Bacchanalian Society of Central Texas for their first event on . The event will run from 7-9 p.m. The Bacchanalian Society’s events are unique because each one involves a different wine assignment for blind tasting, a different charity or non-profit, and a different location.

The Bacchanalian Society joins social and professional networking with philanthropy. The wine tastings attract adverse mix of inquisitive wine novices and wine experts alike to meet on common ground for the benefit of charity.

Everyone is welcome, as long as you’re over 21, but wine snobs should check their attitudes at the door.

A different wine varietal (such as chardonnay, merlot, pinot noir, etc.) or assignment is featured at each event. Teams, consisting of 1 to 3 participants, are entered by bringing 3 bottles of the same wine to the event. For example, if the featured varietal is chardonnay, your team could bring 3 bottles of the 2010 Toasted Head Chardonnay.

At the event, 2 of each team’s 3 bottles are bagged, tagged and ranked by each participant. The 3rd bottle is set aside and left unopened. The teams that brought the 5 highest ranked wines divvy up each team’s 3rd unopened bottles. The team who brought the worst ranked wine will be sent home with it – in shame.

Each team will be given a card with a number for each wine. The wines will be rated on a taste scale of 1 to 5. Cards will be collected and the selections tallied.
If 2 or more teams bring the same wine, rankings can still differ depending upon the temperature of the wine, how long it has been open, etc. You must be present to win.
Call (615) 506-2464 to RSVP. Pay with cash or money order at the event. Payments for this event are payable to KNCT-TV and not to the Bacchanalian Society of Central Texas. Wine is to be purchased only at the Salado Wine Seller for this particular event in the international room. The Salado Wine Seller is providing 3 bottles for a total price of $30. Participants are encouraged to have a great time, but drink responsibly.

The Bacchanalian Society ensures that the finer things in life are enjoyed without pretense and always in the company of good friends. Our namesake, Bacchus, is the Roman deity of wine and merriment who represents not only the intoxicating power of wine, but also its social and beneficial influences. Visit the Bacchanalian Society of Central Texas’ website at for more information.

Sip ‘n Knit

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Thursday, October 10, 2013, 5-7 pm

Join Linda Woznica, from Salado Yarn Co. , for our “Sip ‘n Knit”. Bring your favorite knitting project for a casual gathering of knitters (and crocheters) where everyone brings whatever they are working on and we sit around together and talk, share, help one another, and one other thing – We drink wine! $5/glass of wine will be available.

All levels of knitters are welcome but please keep in mind there are no lessons. Linda will have supplies so you can knit a wine bottle scarf. What? You heard us right, you can make a scarf to keep your favorite bottle cozy. So don’t be shy, come on by!

Sip ‘n Knit

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Thursday, September 12, 2013, 5-7 pm

Join Linda Woznica, from Salado Yarn Co. , for our “Sip ‘n Knit”. Bring your favorite knitting project for a casual gathering of knitters (and crocheters) where everyone brings whatever they are working on and we sit around together and talk, share, help one another, and one other thing – We drink wine! $5/glass of wine will be available.

All levels of knitters are welcome but please keep in mind there are no lessons. Linda will have supplies so you can knit a wine bottle scarf. What? You heard us right, you can make a scarf to keep your favorite bottle cozy. So don’t be shy, come on by!

Sip’n Knit

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Thursday, June 13, 5-7 pm

Join Linda Woznica, from Salado Yarn Co. , for our “Sip ‘n Knit”. Bring your favorite knitting project for a casual gathering of knitters (and crocheters) where everyone brings whatever they are working on and we sit around together and talk, share, help one another, and one other thing – We drink wine! $5/glass of wine will be available.

All levels of knitters are welcome but please keep in mind there are no lessons. Linda will have supplies so you can knit a wine bottle scarf. What? You heard us right, you can make a scarf to keep your favorite bottle cozy. So don’t be shy, come on by!


Sip ‘n Knit

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Thursday, March 21, 5-7 pm

Join Linda Woznica, from Salado Yarn Co. , for our third ever “Sip ‘n Knit”.  Bring your favorite knitting project for a casual gathering of knitters (and crocheters) where everyone brings whatever they are working on and we sit around together and talk, share,  help one another, and one other thing – We drink wine! $5/glass of wine will be available. All levels of knitters  are welcome but  please keep in mind there are no lessons. Linda will have supplies so you can knit a wine bottle scarf.  What?  You heard us right, you can make a scarf to keep your favorite bottle cozy.  So don’t be shy, come on by!

This event will repeat on April 18.

Paint & Wine with Thine own Valentine

heartThursday, February 14, 6-9 pm

Enjoy a bottle of wine and paint a picture along with Angela Patrick as she will show you step-by-step how to paint a beautiful masterpiece that you will take home.

At the end of the evening you’ll have a one-of-a-kind creation. it’s a little bit of wine, and whole lot of FUN! It’s art entertainment!  Choose from the two pictures below and choose your colors.

ONE ticket per couple includes a bottle of wine for a couple to share, canvases for each person, paint ans supplies. Cost $82 per couple and seating is limited.

Tickets available through eventbrite:

Sip ‘n Knit

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Knit with friends and enjoy a glass of wine!

Thursday, February 21, 5-7 pm

Join Linda Woznica, from Salado Yarn Co. , for our second ever “Sip ‘n Knit”.  Bring your favorite knitting project for a casual gathering of knitters (and crocheters) where everyone brings whatever they are working on and we sit around together and talk, share,  help one another, and one other thing – We drink wine! $5 glass of wine will be available. All levels of knitters  are welcome but  please keep in mind there are no lessons. Linda will have supplies so you can knit a wine bottle scarf.  What?  You heard us right, you can make a scarf to keep your favorite bottle cozy.  So don’t be shy, come on by!

This event will repeat in March.