
Spring 2004

Proposed site for Salado Winery (east of rest area)

Proposed site for Salado Winery (east of rest area)

I am so anxious to get my project underway. I picked my top 3 properties and went over them again and again, trying to decide which was the perfect property.

One property is on FM 2268/Holland Road.  The surrounding area is rolling, open agricultural land.  The 10 acres listed for sale that interested me is right on the highway, but its 4 miles from the interstate, I-35.  I’m afraid folks won’t drive that far off the interstate to get to a winery.  It was clearly used as pastureland and lacks any character, but it would be easier to turn it into a vineyard.  The landowner planted baby trees to try and compensate for the dismalness, but we would just have to rip them out in order to plant the grapes.

The second property I loved!  It had a creek, a cliff, and an amazing view.  I envisioned a winery with vineyards on top of the cliff and picnic areas around the creek.  The drawback to the property was that it was too expensive and on top of that, too many trees to clear.  The engineering cost and knowledge required to build a bridge and a road up the side of the hill are tremendous.

The property best suited to my needs was on a hill overlooking the interstate.  To see this property up close, we had to jump the fence and brave the bulls who were grazing.  The hill was covered in rock and the biggest kind dandelions I have ever seen (why is everything always bigger in Texas?).  It was only 3 miles south of Salado and the visibility from the interstate was exceptional.  We decided to make an offer.

REJECTED!  Our offer was turned down.  Our realtor tried hard, but nothing seemed to be positioned or priced right.