A Few Good Artists
We’re looking for a few more good artists for the Texas Wine & Rogue Art Fest. Are you interested?
We’re looking for a few more good artists for the Texas Wine & Rogue Art Fest. Are you interested?
DEAR ABBY: The other day I asked my husband a question and told him to be honest. If given a choice between giving up wine or giving up sex with me, which would he choose?
You guessed it. He said, “Giving up sex with you.” I think I knew the answer before I asked the question, but hearing it out loud devastated me.
I know every woman wants to be No. 1 in her husband’s life. Am I wrong to feel so heartbroken? — LOST THE BATTLE TO CHARDONNAY
DEAR LOST THE BATTLE: Not at all, particularly if you prefer sex to a full-bodied Cabernet. But now it’s time for a follow-up question: “Why?” If sex with you is less interesting to your mate than his vino, he may have an alcohol problem. Or the problem may lie in your bedroom.
One thing is certain: When you asked your question, you “uncorked” the fact that there’s a serious problem in your marriage. And now you have an opportunity to do something about it.
Have you been wondering what that wine description on the label is talking about? Currants, black cherry, figs? Join us for this class which will help you to learn what those wine writers are talking about. Develop your vocabulary for relating the wines and deepen your enjoyment. Lecture and wine tasting.
This wine tasting class is at Salado Wine Seller (841 N. Main Street, 947-8011) & it will familiarize you with fruit aromas, flavors and descriptors in wine. $25 per person. Tuesday March 9th 6:30-8:30pm. Please sign up through Temple Recreation Department, (254)298-5690 or follow the link below:
OAK in WINES Tuesday, Mar 2nd, 6:30 pm
What do you mean “aged in oak”? Why oak? How does that affect the flavor? Do they age wine in mesquite? Find out the answers to these questions and expand your understanding of wine. Lecture and wine tasting.
This wine tasting class is at Salado Wine Seller (841 N. Main Street, 947-8011) and it will familiarize you with oak in wine and how it influences the wine. $25 per person. Tuesday March 2nd 6:30-8:30pm Please sign up through Temple Recreation Department. (254)298-5690
We’re looking for artists to join us for our next festival! http://saladowinefestival.com/vendor-registration/
We’ve got Texas wineries coming to join us, we’ve got music, food and most important, we’ve got ART!
So save the date:
Saturday March 27 & Sunday March 28
Saturday Feb. 13th 4-6pm Salado Wine Seller presents Jodie Wachsmann, Valentine’s show! Pop artist Jodie Wachsmann presents songs from her latest album, “Hope in the Unseen”. Influenced by the ups and downs of life, she hopes to inspire and encourage listeners through her piano-driven songs. No cover charge.
Join us for an Evening of Yoga & Wine at Salado Wine Seller ( 841 N. Main Street, 947-8011) on Wednesday Feb.10 at 6:30pm. In celebration of February’s loving light, during this special event, we’ll focus on the heart chakra. Yoga 6:30 -7:30, wine and refreshments 7:30 – 9 pm. $18 per person, $30 per couple. Reservations, email [email protected].
Do you like sweet wines? Attend this class and explore the various types of sweet and dessert-style wines. This will include fortified wines rich in history and flavor such as port & madeira. Lecture and wine tasting. Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wine tasting class at Salado Wine Seller (841 N. Main Street, 947-8011) featuring sweet wines. Register through City of Temple Parks & Recreation, (254)298-5690 or